find the absolute value of the complex number 5-4i

Complex numbers: multiplication - Clark University.
find the absolute value of the complex number 5-4i
Precalculus: real mathematics, real people - Google Books Result.
College Algebra and Trigonometry - Google Books Result.
An introduction to complex numbers.
Looking at the figure below we can see that Pythagoras' Theorem gives us a formula to calculate the absolute value of a complex number z = a+bi. And from this.
College Trigonometry - Google Books Result.
Complex Numbers (part 1) | Complex numbers | Khan Academy.
Looking at the figure below we can see that Pythagoras' Theorem gives us a formula to calculate the absolute value of a complex number z = a+bi. And from this.
SOLUTION: find the additive inverse of each number: -4+6i. find the absolute value of each complex. find the absolute value of each complex number: 6i. For your first equation, a=-1 , b=5 , and c=-2 , so: x+=+(-5++-+sqrt(+.
Complex Numbers Tutorial - Nipissing University.
Questions on Algebra: Complex Numbers answered by real tutors!
Complex number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.